IMG_8361-1024x682I am truly honored to attend today’s Los Angeles Business Journal’s 25th Annual 2017 Women’s Summit and Award Luncheon as an award nominee. 

Last month, I received the following e-mail message:

“On behalf of the Los Angeles Business Journal, I am pleased to inform you that you have been selected as one of our 2017 Women’s Summit Nominees!

We formally request your presence at the summit where we will be featuring a series of guest speakers.”

According to the Los Angeles Business Journal event website, “This event is designed to recognize and honor outstanding professional women who have made significant contributions to their organizations, their professions IMG_0264 (2)and the Los Angeles community as determined by our selection committee. This year the Business Journal will curate an exciting forum discussion that will begin with a series of dynamic speakers in the morning. Our attendees will have an opportunity to be empowered and inspired by local women executives sharing their expertise. The afternoon portion will be highlighted by an awards luncheon where we will be honoring outstanding achievements by women who make a difference throughout the Los Angeles community highlighted with a keynote speaker.”

A big thanks go to all of you who have offered words of encouragement, helped to build my client base, shared great contacts, offered useful insight, purchased my book, and trusted me to work on exciting and challenging projects. In other words, I am forever grateful to a great network of people who have been active supporters throughout this four year journey. It amazes me that just two years ago, while reading the LA Business Journal, I merely thought that it would be nice to be one of the award nominees in the future. I never imagined that the future would be so soon. I can attest to the fact that with patience, hard work, sacrifice, and faith, a thought can transform into reality.

Thank you for being a great supporter and a part of this journey with GRIIT.

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